Perfect Plastic Printings offers personalization & fulfillment for all your needs

Personalization and Fulfillment

Welcome to Perfect Plastic Printing, your expert in personalized cards, carriers, and mailing solutions. At PPP, we utilize state-of-the-art technologies including DOD, EMV data preparation, card packaging, full service mail and fulfillment solutions. Manage your card program effortlessly through our online portal, and benefit from customized fulfillment options. Trust PPP for secure, efficient, and tailored card management solutions.


We serve a diverse range of financial institutions, from regional credit unions to the country’s largest banks, fintech companies, and retail customers. Perfect Plastic’s size allows us to provide personalized assistance to smaller credit unions, while our extensive experience and proven track record equip us to meet the needs of the most prominent clients nationwide.

News and Updates

  • Design Trends in Payment Cards: Shaping Consumer Preferences

    Design Trends in Payment Cards: Shaping Consumer Preferences

    In the world of finance and technology, the humble payment card has undergone a remarkable transformation. Once a simple, utilitarian tool for accessing funds, payment cards have evolved into a canvas for creativity, innovation, and personalization. Modern payment card designs not only reflect the identity and values of the issuing institution but also cater to… read more

PPP is committed to making the highest quality plastic cards, a commitment we have kept for almost 60 years.

Perfect Plastic Printing:
Almost 60 Years of Quality & Service

Perfect Plastic Printing is committed to making the highest quality plastic cards, a commitment we have kept for almost 60 years. We have built a reputation for loyalty to our customers by striving to be the best at producing consistently high quality cards, in volume, and with a demonstrated track record of on-time deliveries. Throughout our history, we have remained dedicated to some basic principles that have made us successful: innovation, quality and performance.